Day: February 27, 2024

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  • February 27, 2024

Do not buy car insurance in any of these states: prices are skyrocketing

Car insurance price increases are expected to continue in 2024, so when your renewal notice arrives, compare quotes to see if your current insurer is offering you a good deal. Among the many

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Automotive brand loyalty winners fend off retention woes in 2023

Brand loyalty remains a critical factor in automotive marketing but has been declining for several years, making events such as S&P Global Mobility’s Annual Automotive Loyalty Awards important resources for both dealers and

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Elon Musk Alarmed to Hear Tesla Had Screwed Local Pie Shop

“I don’t have the luxury of infinite resources so I really need to be paid so I can secure my staff.” High and Dry After Tesla royally screwed over a small pie business

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Why Are Electric Car Sales Stalling? Ask Norway

As demand for new EVs slows in the U.S., James Mills’ recent screed for Hagerty U.K., concerning the dearth of demand in that market, adds perspective to the phenomenon. Enjoy! -Ed. What’s this?

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